Graduate of the Department of Nutrition & Dietetics of the School of Technology of Food & Nutrition/ Aristotleio Technological Educational Institution Thessaloniki (ATEITH), grade: 6.90, June 2005
Professional experience
2007 to date: Freelance Dietetic Office at 151 G. Lambraki Street and 10 D. Harisi Street, 54351, Ano Toumpa, Thessaloniki
2005-2006: Nutrition consultant at the private Gymnasium, Thessaloniki
Member of the Union of Dietitians and Nutritionists of Greece (425/12-6-2014)
Implementation of actions related to nutrition in children 2015-2016: Speech on: “Children’s Nutrition” at the Elementary School Thessaloniki “Megas Alexander” Station 2015-2016
Speech on: “Children’s Nutrition” at the Elementary School Thessaloniki “Megas Alexander” Station 2015-2016
Speech on: “Children’s Nutrition” at the Elementary School Thessaloniki “Megas Alexander” Station 2013-2014
Lecture on “Mediterranean Nutrition in Childhood” at 1st Experimental Primary School of Thessaloniki P.T.D.E./A.P.Th. for Health Education Program entitled: “Healthy Diet – tastes and colors”
Other skills
Computer Operation: Training of the unemployed & certification of basic IT application handling skills according to the European Computer License (ECDL) standard (Information Society-Educational Network Certification), September 12, 2003
Attending conferences – Training
4th Health Forum 2018: “Nutrition, Health, Beauty” Thessaloniki, November 24-25, 2018
1st Panhellenic Diabetes School: “Dietetic and Nursing Care”, Union of Dietitians and Nutritionists of Greece (EDDE) Thessaloniki, March 17-19, 2017
Scientific Conference: “Diabetes is a modern problem Health”, Diabetes Association of Northern Greece (DEBE) Thessaloniki, January 30, 2016
11th Macedonian Congress of Nutrition A.T.E.I.T. Thessaloniki 15-17 May 2015
6th Panhellenic Obesity Medical Conference Thessaloniki, September 28-30, 2006
Educational Seminar on: “Modern views in treatment and rehabilitation of people with mobility problems”, Institute of Athletes of Studies & Education (I.A.M.E.) Thessaloniki, April 12, 2003 T
raining Day on the topic: “Doping, The challenge of the Olympics.” games of 2004″, Institute of Sports Studies & Education (I.A.M.E.) Thessaloniki, May 25, 2003
Symposium: “Child, Exercise & Health”, Institute of Sports Studies & Epimorphosis (I.A.M.E.) Thessaloniki, March 31, 2002
5th Macedonian Nutrition Conference: “Child & Nutrition in the New Millennium”, A.T.E.I.T. Thessaloniki, November 14-16, 2002
7th Panhellenic Congress of Sports Psychology: “Sports Psychology in Greece: The challenge of the Olympic Games” Thessaloniki November 1-3, 2002
Training Day: “Cholesterol, learn and protect yourself”, Vita Thessaloniki magazine, September 24, 2002
2nd North Hellas Conference of Aesthetics & Dietetics A.T.E.I.T. Thessaloniki, April 27-29, 2001